1-Dr. T. Colin Campbell, PhD, such as his TED Talk at https://youtu.be/1CN7PF10RKo and his presentation on protein at https://youtu.be/G7rshjAZuzg. Also this great video summarizes his book The China Study: https://youtu.be/MMYqZH8Dkis
2-Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, MD, such as his TED Talk at https://youtu.be/EqKNfyUPzoU or his son Rip's TED Talk at https://youtu.be/AAkEYcmCCCk
3-Dr. McDougall, MD, such as his TED Talk at https://youtu.be/d5wfMNNr3ak or https://youtu.be/4XVf36nwraw where he explains why we are starch-based or https://youtu.be/-KBicWwnCdg where he is invited to speak and http://youtu.be/7KeX1UjV2Uc where he is "fired" by the establishment.
4-Dr. Joel Fuhrman, MD, such as https://youtu.be/uXMzWkzqkao or his TED Talk at https://youtu.be/E4katnfHzXA
5-Dr. Neal Barnard, MD, such as his TED Talk at https://youtu.be/ktQzM2IA-qU or https://youtu.be/BnHYHjchn6w which is just awesome.
6-Dr. Michael Greger, MD, such as https://youtu.be/Lh_kVT5Mtr4 in which he gives a 2014 presentation in NYC on the 15 top causes of death in America and how a WFPB diet prevents, reverses, or even cures all of these! At a similar presentation he gave at Google in JAN16 (skip to time 47) https://youtu.be/7rNY7xKyGCQ he explains how what is happening today regarding the Standard American Diet (SAD) occurred over half a century ago with smoking when the average American, as incredible as it seems, smoked half a pack a day! You just can't make this stuff up! It is time to join the crusade against SAD!
These short Dr. Greger videos are good too: https://youtu.be/_d1Ca6SsKfE https://youtu.be/8JxxbL7QSDc https://youtu.be/5xFhpu4pmrU
This 2-hour video shows how to cook vegan: https://youtu.be/Y9nNa81dSoY This short video gives some great highlights: https://youtu.be/sKLFxQLHdFw
7-This is an excellent video on the dangers of excessive protein by Dr. Janice Stanger, PhD, speaking at the Vegetarian Society of Hawaii at https://youtu.be/2R07FL1wVo4 In this video, Dr. Janice Stanger, PhD, dispels some common myths: https://youtu.be/INbMToQCFHg
8-This is an excellent presentation by Mr. Simon the author of Meatonomic$ where he explains how the meat and dairy industries get the Federal Government to push their agenda using our tax dollars! https://youtu.be/OmBuZbtkcPA